
5 Tips to Increase your Profits by Improving Your Online Reputation

by Larry Steele Larry Steele No Comments

5 Tips to increase Your Profits

Remember, according to the University of California Berkley, increasing your online reputation by 1/2 of a star, can increase your revenue by 19%. So take these steps seriously.

  • Monitor your online reputation. If you are not continuing to monitor your online reputation, yo will not see when a negative comment or review has been posted. Negative reviews will cost you business.
  • Respond to all reviews with a comment even just thanking your customers who left you a positive review. But always reply to a negative review asking how you can satisfy that customer. An unhappy customer who is taken care of frequently becomes one of your biddest fans.
  • Ask your customers for reviews. You need all of the positive reviews you can get. Setup Feedback pages for customers to leave you reviews.
  • Setup Feedback pages for customers to leave you reviews. This way you can capture the review in your system. If it is negative send an apology email asking how to make that customer happy. If it is a positive review, then ask the customer to post it online at a site where you need more reviews,
  • Now that you have more positive reviews, then market your positive online reputation to get more new customers. And use video to do the marketing.

These are all steps we use to help our clients to get more customers and dominate their competition.